Thursday, September 25, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 9

" . . .in all your ways acknowledge him . . ."


1. A good core value for Christ Church - Urban would be, "we will acknowledge Him in everything we do". This means that prayer and praise are always in our hearts and on our lips. Each step of our planning and our execution must be saturated with an aura of acknowledging our need or Him.

2. The end of summer marks a good time for us to stand back and evaluate our progress. Our connections with the East Hills Council of Neighbors, Midtown Neighborhood Association, Uptown Business District, Wealthy Heights Project, and Congress School are a good start at positioning us to serve and develop relationships.

3. Our community involvement has revealed to us two very different demographics - the Marie Catribeans and the Congressional District. This will create some interesting challenges as we seek to minister to both. It is only the gospel that can bring these two groups together into a meaningful and lasting community. Let's begin to pray to that end.


4. Now we need to continue to serve in the community to show that we are here to stay. Our persistence will build trust and will open doors of opportunity.

5. We continue to develop our relationships, but next we move to the strategy phase. How can we best serve and minister to the people we are getting to know? What would a worship service in this community look like?

6. We will move ahead targeting an April launch date, yet understanding that the CC 2009 budget is still in progress.


7. October 6 - East Hills Council of Neighbors Annual Meeting.

8. October 11 - East Hills Neighborhood Dumpster Cleanup

9. October 16 - Congress Parent Teachers Community Group (PTCG)

10.October 16 - Wealthy Street Autumn Stroll.

Those interested in serving at Congress School must fill out a volunteer application which will be used for a background check. Contact Steve for a hardcopy or e-form.

Special thanks to Dick Buist for shooting and producing the Journey to the Center of the Universe video.

Let's continue to look to Him to make our paths straight.

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