Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe - Ch. 10

" . . . and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
We have been calling it a journey. Hebrews calls it a race. It is good to remember that, even if we don't know the very next step, we do know that He has marked it out for us. We keep taking steps toward planting a church. Don't let the gap between chapter 9 and chapter 10 fool you. Much has been happening, even if the blog journals haven't been. For example,
  • The chuch plant presentation at the Ministry Fair
  • The East Hills Dumpster Day (neigborhood cleanup)
  • Congress School Clothing Drive
  • Creation of the Wealthy Initiative Brochure
  • East Hills Council of Neighbors Board Meetings
  • Congress School PTCG Meetings
  • Steve's study, study, more study, and licensing
  • Winterizing Congress (pass the word)
  • Uptown Holiday Hop
  • Sunday night Journey Meetings
  • Lots of prayer
The Christ Church Session is proposing a budget that will be presented on Dec 10. This budget includes a big green light for the church plant. Even though, we have faced some financial struggles and are making some budget cuts, the church plant remains a top priority. On Dec 10 we will be updating the congregation on the state of the plant, giving us another opportunity to "ignite the fire".

Keep making friends in greater East Hills. Keep making a list of your rich relatives. Keep praying that God would form his church. NEXT MEETING - DECEMBER 14, 5:30pm, including Pot Luck.

OK, Jerry, I agree. This church needs a name.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winterizing Congress Elementary

Many of the kids at Congress Elementary lack adequate winter clothes and because Grand Rapids Public Schools will not bus them to school if they live within a mile of the school a lot of the kids have a good distance to walk in the cold. Next Sunday we will begin collecting winter clothing for the kids at Congress Elementary: hats, gloves, boots, scarves and coats. You can bring new or used clothing to church, or donate money which we will use to buy clothing. Thanks for whatever help you can provide.

Jerry Stutzman

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 9

" . . .in all your ways acknowledge him . . ."


1. A good core value for Christ Church - Urban would be, "we will acknowledge Him in everything we do". This means that prayer and praise are always in our hearts and on our lips. Each step of our planning and our execution must be saturated with an aura of acknowledging our need or Him.

2. The end of summer marks a good time for us to stand back and evaluate our progress. Our connections with the East Hills Council of Neighbors, Midtown Neighborhood Association, Uptown Business District, Wealthy Heights Project, and Congress School are a good start at positioning us to serve and develop relationships.

3. Our community involvement has revealed to us two very different demographics - the Marie Catribeans and the Congressional District. This will create some interesting challenges as we seek to minister to both. It is only the gospel that can bring these two groups together into a meaningful and lasting community. Let's begin to pray to that end.


4. Now we need to continue to serve in the community to show that we are here to stay. Our persistence will build trust and will open doors of opportunity.

5. We continue to develop our relationships, but next we move to the strategy phase. How can we best serve and minister to the people we are getting to know? What would a worship service in this community look like?

6. We will move ahead targeting an April launch date, yet understanding that the CC 2009 budget is still in progress.


7. October 6 - East Hills Council of Neighbors Annual Meeting.

8. October 11 - East Hills Neighborhood Dumpster Cleanup

9. October 16 - Congress Parent Teachers Community Group (PTCG)

10.October 16 - Wealthy Street Autumn Stroll.

Those interested in serving at Congress School must fill out a volunteer application which will be used for a background check. Contact Steve for a hardcopy or e-form.

Special thanks to Dick Buist for shooting and producing the Journey to the Center of the Universe video.

Let's continue to look to Him to make our paths straight.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe - Ch. 8

Important Date: Congress School Opening Celebration, Aug 28, 5-6:30pm

This was a big week for the church plant. The Lord answered our prayer of asking for opportunities to be involved in the neighborhood. Check this out:

* More than 40 from CC participated in the Uptown Trolley Challenge on Sat, Aug 16. This event was created to help expose Christ Church to the neighborhoods of the church plant and encourage prayer support. Robin did a great job of putting the questions together - truly challenging. Uptown organizers were grateful for our filling up the trolley.
* We established a new partnership with Congress Elementary School. The principal and secretary are very excited about our involvement because many needs exist.
* Our immediate Congress projects are:

- getting ready for the school's Opening Celebration, Aug 28, by planting flowers
- helping with children's games at the Celebration (Want to help? Come this Sunday.)
***Lots of opportunities for those speaking Spanish***

* Congress School is very short on equipment for the playground, so we have created the "Buy Congress A Ball Project." Beginning Sunday, Aug 23 Christ Church friends will be able to buy and donate 4 basketballs, 4 soccer balls, and 4 four-square balls. Ten bucks buys a ball - Five bucks buys half a ball. Please help promote it on Sunday.
* Steve attended the East HIlls Council of Neighbors Board Meeting to explain the intention of planting a church and to offer assistance in helping to serve the community. The Board appreciated this information and encouraged ongoing cooperation.
* The Wealthy Heights Organization has asked for help with a promotional brochure. Steve, Robin, and Kimberly are doing some development and design. (Wealthy Heights is project trying to revitalize 5 blocks north off Wealthy.)
* Sunday night was a good time of fellowship and working together on the Prayer Cards. We should have enough cards to consider this project completed - - now for distribution.
* Upcoming -- CC Ministry Fair. A good opportunity to help people catch the vision.

This note's done. Pause and pray.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 7

The Journey continues and we are very aware of our obstacles, our weaknesses, and His abundant resources. May the Lord use us to bring His kingdom to the kingdom of this world that we live in, whether on Breton, Uptown, or wherever we are.

Our next journey meeting is Sunday, Aug 10 at 5pm for a very random potluck meal with the meeting to follow, 6-7:30pm.

Our chief work, as we gather every Sunday evening, continues to be prayer -- "Lord, prepare us for this work. Form your church for your glory."

The kids are meeting with us to do memory work, sing, pray, and then meet separately with Eric and Rosie for various activities, including the individually-designed Prayer Postcards (these look great!).

Currently on the front burner --

* Steve and Dick will help the East Hills Council of Neighbors conduct a Tree Inventory.
* August 16 Trolley Day - preparations are underway to have an informal breakfast gathering of Christ Church friends at a local coffee house and then take the 8-stop Trolley Tour of Uptown. Robin will be creating a Trolley Tour Scavenger Hunt, including a drawing and a prize (gift certificate to Gaia). Prayer requests will also be incorporated into the Tour Stops. The purpose of this activity is to encourage the Christ Church family to visit the church plant neighborhoods and to pray.
* We will man/woman a booth at the upcoming Ministry Fair. Dick will explore providing a video loop.
* The Planning Team is investigating the rent/lease environment in East Hills, including pursuing the possibilities of renting Wealthy Theather, Congress School, space in ICCF, plus other options. Some of us viewed an available property at 928 Wealthy.
* We are continuing to look for summer service opportunities. Congress School has been contacted in this regard.

Keep praying that the Lord will open the right doors for us to do this work, if it is His will. Especially pray for the session as they construct the 2009 budget, specifically, "how do we build a Christ Church budget, and an urban church budget when expenses exceed receipts?"

"My God will meet all your needs, according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Thursday, July 31, 2008

JCU Chapter 6

1. Introduced memory work of Eph 3:20. Remember: we are able to ask and imagine, but He is able to DO it and MORE.

2. Prayer time - Mark introduced the prayer cards and the "super bowl" - good ways for us to be praying for one another during the week. Prayer time during the meeting focuses on specific church plant requests and the cards are used for personal requests.

3. Thanks to the Building Community Team for developing some great plans for the children's program. Upcoming projects include "Art Trading Cards" to be distributed to Christ Church as prayer reminders and also designing an "East Hills Map Play-Mat".

4. Making Friends Team met with Urban Family Ministries and will meet again to finalize summer projects. Possibilities include: Weed 'n Seed Survey, 1-day Kids Carnival, Wealthy Heights Project, and work at Congress School.

5. Session approved funds for Steve and Kris to attend a church planter assessment program.

6. Walter has worked with Presbytery MNA and the Credentials Committee and layed out a schedule for examination, licensing, call, and ordination. Steve will meet with the Credentials Committee at the November Presytery meeting.

7. Trolley Days - see note below. Will encourage CC to be involved again in August.

8. Brief discussion on the importance of having a church name sooner rather than later.

Remember THIS SATURDAY the Grand Rapids Trolley Co., LLC takes shoppers and diners on a free, and fun, cruise to shops and restaurants in the Eastown, East Fulton, East Hills and Wealthy Street business districts. Shoppers can hop on and off at eight stops along the way, with the first Trolley leaving the Fulton Street Farmer's Market at 10 a.m and the last trolley returning at 3 p.m.

"Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done in Uptown - Grand Rapids as it is in heaven."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 5

Next step in the journey: Meeting, July 13, 6pm - 7:30pm, Room 203 - NO MEETING JULY 6

"to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, th him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

1. Keep visiting the neighborhood. Observe. Ask Questions. Take "prayer walks". Ask the Lord to direct us and to ignite His vision within us. Take the kids and let them be involved in what we are doing from the ground - up.

2. Thanks for the quick responses on helping clean up the yard at the home in Midtown. Meet Monday, July 7, at 6:30p.m. at the Fulton Street Farmer's Market. Meet near the brick building. It sounds like we have lots of help so it should go quickly.

3. Building Community Team is finalizing details on the children's programs for our Sunday night meetings. They hope to have programs for all ages by the 7/13 meeting.

4. Walter, Steve G, and Steve H are working out timing and details for credentials, ordination, and assessment.

5. Service projects soon to be reviewed by the Making Friends Team : Wealthy Heights Affordable Housing Project, Wealthy Street Block Party, Projects TBD through Urban Family Ministries, Midtown Community Day.

6. We will introduce the July Trolley Day to Christ Church as an opportunity for all of us to tour the communities.

7. Pray everyday that the Lord would prepare us and prepare the people to we will serve.

8. Reflect on this as a vision - "that the kingdom of the world would become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and that he would reign."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 4

Excerpts from June 22 Meeting

"In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. . ."

Family Time Project and Singing
We learned about our families and their creativity (or not). More to come about our identity and our identity in Christ from Eph 1.

Prayers to God:
- the exciting and scary impact of the church plant on Christ Church-Breton
- summer "making friends" projects
- finances - provision from the abundance your riches
- future meeting site
- the building up of our children
- the raising up of families and leaders. "Lord, form your church."
- Steve & Kris' planning and timing
- "Lord, prepare our hearts for your work."
If you really believed that the success of this church plant absolutely depended on prayer -- what would you do this week?

Decision on VBS:
After discussion, it was decided that it would not be wise for the church plant families to take the lead in a summer 4-day VBS.

Hot List for Teams:
Making Friends Team - present summer opportunities to serve
Building Community Team - children's program for thru August
Planning Team - understand the rent/lease environment

Monday, June 16, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 3

Update from June 14 Meeting.

"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield."

1. Weekly meetings will begin, Sunday, June 22, 6pm - 7:30pm in Room 203. These will be Planning and Prayer Meetings (maybe, even a little singing). There will be something for the kids (details being worked out). Meetings will begin at Christ Church, but eventually will transition to Uptown and will morph to C-group type meeting, then to worship -type service.
2. Three very general operating teams were established to help expedite various projects.
1) Making Friends Team - focusing on how to connect with and ministry to the neighborhood.
2) Building Community Team - focusing on our internal meetings, prayer, discipleship, children/youth.
3) Planning Team - facility, budget, vision, philosophy of ministry.
3. We signed up for 1 or 2 teams. I will send out a separate note about this.
4. We filled out a "What-Do-We-Have-To-Offer" sheet. Again, a separate note will be sent on this.
5. We compiled a list of our current Christ Church assignments.
6. We briefly discussed a VBS opportunity which would be conducted in conjunction with Christ Church and the Youth Group on Aug 18-21. Some questioned whether this would be "jumping the gun" for us. Making Friends Team will explore this and we will discuss further at our Sunday meeting.
7. We read Psalm 33 and prayed. We were reminded that "from heaven the Lord looks down on us".

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe (JCU) - Chapter 2

MEETING: Saturday, June 14, 8:30a.m. - 10:30a.m. at church, room 205. Bring breakfast potluck stuff.
Please RSVP

Notes from June 8 meeting.

1. A Foundation of Prayer. "Lord, form us to form your church."
- Finances and the impact on CC
- Solidify the leadership team
- Solidify the launch team
- How can we reach the neighborhood living outside the neighborhood
- Prepare the hearts of the people in the neighborhood

2. Impressions of the neighborhood.
A time of sharing from our touring and visiting the various shops and locations.

3. Steve's Update

3A. Review of research from the Community Research Institute, Neighbor Ventures, East Hills Council of Neighborhoods,
Midtown Neighborhood Association, Urban Family Ministries, Young Life, 2nd Ward City Commissioner Rosalyn Bliss.
Conclusions - the neighborhood has changed much and is still in transition and this provides some good opportunities -
good timing to enter the community - opportunities to partner with existing ministries - most of the churches are well
established and especially minister to their constituencies, therefore there is opportunity to "start new" with the new
neighborhood constitiuency.
No red flags to proceeding.
By consensus we agreed to consider East Hills and Midtown as our communities to pursue.

3B. Discussion of initial steps (pre-strategy).
1. Confirm the neighborhood
2. Learn the neighborhood (listen)
3. Learn ourselves - need to begin to meet weekly
4. Analyze - match ourselves and our neighbors. Where are our best opportunities to minister?
5. Develop a strategy and philosophy of ministry based on 2,3, and 4.
4. Introduction of Website -

5. Introduced idea of Christ Church VBS in the new neighborhood.

1. Brainstorming and establish committee for VBS
2. Establish time for weekly meetings this summer
3. Explanation of "What-We-Have-To-Offer Inventory" Assignment
4. Be prepared to list your current involvement in CC
5. Be prepared to sign up for for 1 (or 2) of the 3 teams listed below:

1. Making Friends Team (external/church scattered)
-connecting with the community, serving the community, ministry opportunities, neighborhood events
-this team would lead the organizing of VBS
2. Building Community Team (internal/church gathered)
-building up one another
-church gatherings
3. Planning Team
-strategy/philosophy of ministry

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Universe: Ch. 1

Meeting, Monday, May 19

Attendees: Baugus’, Jerry Stutzman, Nina Gort, Cory Degoffau, Buists, Kellys, Sharon Denk, Hanischs, Luymes’, Bergsmas, Holladays

1. Prayer
What is working against us?
What is working for us?
“your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom”
“My God will supply all your needs”
“who is able to do immeasurably more”
“ you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes”

2. Expectations
What do we do if we have different expectations? Or if our different
expectations even clash.
May we ask the Lord to form the church the way He wants it to be.
What charge has Christ Church given us? Why are we doing this?
To reach those who might not be reached by CC.
Therefore, our focus is “outward”. Reaching others has priority over
personal preferences.

3. Terminology
Our terminology is important in communicating 2 relationships.
1) Between CC and the church plant. Let’s use “we/us”
We need to help CC remember “this is our mission/vision together.
Terms such as CC-Breton or Central or Home Site and CC-Uptown or Urban will help facilitate this. We need to finalize this language and use it.
2) Between the church plant and the “target area”. We want to avoid target,mission, outreach language – we are coming here to solve your problems. Again, “we/us” language – we are part of this community/neighborhood – we want you to come to church and be part of our community also. Let’s respect the community the way Paul did in Athens – “I see you are a religious people”

4. Finalizing the Community
Everyone was very favorable to the East Hills area as the primary focus with the Midtown area being the extended focus—it is very residential. Steve has a few more resources to check and then this area should be finalized as the target area (I mean “our neighborhood”).

5. Discussion begun and to continue

How do we get to know this community?

Tour the neighborhoods – jog, walk your dog, ride your bike, eat, shop, talk, ask questions, etc.
Tie into summer neighborhood activities – Trolley days, etc..
Meet together in the area
Need to meet frequently before the summer begins

How do we get started this summer?

How can we serve?

Sunday night C-group type meetings?

6. Blog Team – Jerry S.,Robin, Shawn

7. Child Care. We would like to improve it for future meetings. We want the kids to be able to enjoy their time during the meetings.

8. Next meeting – TBA

Let’s enjoy the journey for the glory of the Lord.

Steve & Kris